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Health and Wellbeing
A Health and Well-being Wales Partner

Ysgol Feithrin Pontypwl - Playgroup

Last updated: 30/08/2024
Playgroup This resource can use the Welsh language

This resource is regulated. (More about Regulated Services)

This provider is registered with the Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) or equivalent.
This provider was last inspected on: 08/03/2022.

  This provider has part-time vacancies for children aged between 2.5 years and 5 years. Os oes gennych diddordeb yn ein Meithrinfa gofynnir ichi gysylltu a ni am sgwrs cyn gynted a phosibl. Gallem esbonio'r drefn ac ateb unrhyw gwestiynau a gwneud apwyntiad i'ch dangos o gwmpas. Rydym wrth ein boddau yn croesau teuluoedd newydd felly beth amdani? Cysylltwch heddiw trwy anfon e bost at Helen yr Arweinydd

  This provider is registered for 19 places and is staffed for 19 places.

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What we do

Ysgol Feithrin Pontypwl is a well established full day care setting, offering welsh medium education for children between 2.5 and 5 years old, in a large purpose furbished hall in the centre of Pontypwl. We also have a large well equiped outside play area.
We offer 3 full days where children can stay from 09.30 - 15.15, and 2 half days with morning sessions on Tuesday and Thursday (children bring their own lunch).We also offer a Breakfast Club. Parent and Toddler Group on Thurs am
We have 22 children on our register with no more than 19 attending for any one session. We are often full and then keep a waiting list. Parents are encouraged to put their baby's name down early to ensure a place and avoid disappointment. Families are welcome to arrange a visit to discuss their child's education. All 6 members of staff have years of experience, are dedicated, hard working and enthusiastic. THe Nursery Leader is a Welsh speaker and all other staff members are experienced Welsh learners .

  Our opening times and availability

We are available: term time only. Ysgol Feithrin Pontypwl opens for 2 full days and 3 half days. We follow all Welsh Government Guidelines and we also have stringent cleaning proceedures. Please contact us for details and to arrange a visit

We are available during the following school terms:

  • Autumn term
  • Spring term
  • Summer term

We are unable to provide wrap around care.

Monday 08:30 - 15:15
Tuesday 08:30 - 12:00
Wednesday 08:30 - 15:15
Thursday 08:30 - 12:00
Friday 08:30 - 15:15

We offer a Breakast Club between 8.30am - 9.30am and provide all food. We offer a lunch club between 12pm - 12.45pm and children bring their own pack lunch Children can access sessional care every day or full day care 2 days a week

  Our costs

  About our service

The language spoken in our setting is Welsh only.

Provider has access to support and advice for Additional Learning Needs (ALN)
Provider has a working knowledge of the ALN Act and Person Centred Planning approaches
Staff have accessed relevant ALN/disability training in the last 2 years?
Outside space
There is a large well equiped outside play area, a community garden and access to Pontypool Park.
Will you use real nappies for children in your care?
Most children are already nappy trained when they start at our Nursery. We do change if necessary.
Is the setting pet free?
We have a safe pond outside with goldfish/ tadpoles and the children 's pets sometimes visit.
Offers Flying Start provision?
Offers funded Foundation Phase Nursery places (three to four year old education) Yes
This service is part of the Childcare Offer Scheme
This service accepts childcare vouchers
This service is registered with the Tax Free Childcare Scheme
Able to provide emergency/short term care? No
Are you able to care for children whose main language is neither English nor Welsh?
Ysgol Feithrin Pontypwl would certainly welcome families whose first language is not Welsh or English if they are interested in a Welsh medium education. It is a well known fact that learning more than one language is very easy at an early age. We encourage parents and family members to get involved with the group and we would be interested in learning some new vocabulary with the child!